Count the Bad Mommies

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ima Newbie...

Me & My Pumpkins...

3 things you wouldn't know about me

1. I don't do ironing...
2. I am a Qualified PC/Network Technician (have all the blah blahs to prove it)...
3. I love cars, computers, movies & series, and sexy time...

Some things you wouldn't know about my boys

1. J is 13..
2. D is 9..
3. J wrote me a poem the other day to try convince me not to kick him out..
4. They are actually cool with the fact that I drive a pink car...
5. J is ADD and D is an overachiever who doesn't rock boats...

A saying that best describes the way I feel about being a mommy?

"OMG, I feel old... stop growing dammit!! "

Who's my Famous Mommy Role Model ?

I dont really have a famous mommy role model..but if I am pressed on this point I will have to go with
Madonna: You don't hear of her kids flashing their gauva's* for the camera's and she is still incredibly hot!

If I could have one wish granted for my boys, what would it be?

For a bigger place so they can each get their own room... they are about to kill each other!


* gauva's = that bald eagle that britney spears, paris hilton and lindsay lohan are convinced should be flashed about so that we can remind them when its time to go wax again..


AngelConradie said...

helloooooooo!!! nice to meet you all!!!
my damien is an ADHDer too!

Briget said...

Hi Angel...

He must make your life very very interesting...


stephanie said...


Hey - I don't iron either. That makes me feel so free...

Welcome :)

Briget said...

Hi Stephanie,,

Ironing is uncivilised .. this is why we have tumbledryers.. and money..