Count the Bad Mommies

Monday, March 3, 2008

Before I Was A Mommy...

Before I was a mommy...I never thought I had any sort of maternal instinct. Other people's children freaked me out. And still kinda do.
Before I was a mommy....I thought I couldn't have children. When I found out I was pregnant, I considered abortion. But then I remembered that I was apparently unable to have children, and that this one must indeed be a miracle, and how can I destroy a miracle?
Before I was a mommy...My baby was predicted. My dad's girlfriend went to a fortune teller abotu a year before I found out I was pregnant. The fortune-teller told her there was a little boy waiting to be born. That he'd been waiting for a long time. Well, he's arrived now and is very much here. All 7.5 kg of him.
Before I was a mommy...I never planned to have children. Ever. Now when The Boyfriend suggests having a girl too, I sometimes think it's not such a bad idea.
Before I was a mommy...I had no idea about responsibility. I have a slight inkling now. There's nothing like being responsible entirely for another person's well-being to scare the snot into you and make you become a better person.
Before I was a mommy....I was a party-girl. Every night of the week. In fact there weren't enough hours in the night, or bottles of vodka in the world for me to party as much as I wanted to.
Before I was a mommy...I thought I would throw up if I had to change a shitty nappy or deal with vomit. I dont even flinch. I get covered in spit and vomit all the time. It doesn't bother me in the least.
Before I was a mommy....I didn't understand what my dad meant by ''ll only understand how much I love you when you have a child of your own....' I now know how much he loves me. And it's a whole bunch!


Patchwork said...

Ah, party girl, just wait a bit, you will get your groove back Stella! Hee hee. I'm a mom but I am hectic party girl. It's just finding the balance. Second baby? Sjoe you are brave. The shitty nappies was hard going for me too actually. I flinch when I see a video in which I "cleared" the Pickles nasal passages with my mouth. Everytime I need a reminder that I do not want to kill my kid, I remember I once ate her snort!

ExMi said...

eeeeeeuw. gross.

Boobah's Mom said...

ha ha ha, hee hee hee. shame. the worst i've done with Boobah's snot was pick it with my pinky nail. although, now he won't let me anymore, he prefers to just smear it across his face with the back of his hand...

Zoeyjane said...

exmi, totally agree on all of your answers. minus the husband part.

Minnesota Matron said...

Before I was a mommy, I swore off children and wore many items made of black leather.

Patchwork said...

Sweets, what is so damned funny!!!


Was I supposed to let the poor kid suffocate?

Heee hee hee hee!

ExMi said...


there's something i saw in the Baby Store the other day.

a snot extractor.


you cant buy bridget.

this is a real object.

AngelConradie said...

party girl eh- i never woulda guessed!!!