Count the Bad Mommies

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Can't Do It

Dear Fellow Bad Mommies,

I know this is suppose to be a letter to my daughter. I started one for her Restless Sweet Sixteenth Birthday, and got really sad! She was cuddled up against me, sleeping away and I started thinking of how I wouldn't be able to envelope her with my body like I do and feel like I can protect her from the world like I think I can. I started thinking about her not being a baby anymore and I couldn't stand it.

I do look forward to seeing her grow into a little girl, than an adolescent and even look forward to seeing her blossom into a woman. But for now, I just wish I could bottle her little being up and keep it forever.

So, I'm sorry, but I won't be able to complete the last homework assignment. I'm just not ready!

Best Wishes,
Restless Housewife


stephanie said...

But you kind of did do the homework - if your teenage daughter were to read this note, she would have a glimpse of what it means for moms to watch their babies grow up, and what it feels like to let them go & pretend to not like us...

Nicely done, whether you meant to or not!

Patchwork said...


You did do it. Well done.

Sweets said...

shame! i know the feeling...

Kerryn said...

Wow. I couldn't do it either. I started it about 5 times, and eventually gave up.

Was thinking about doing something shorty and witty, but decided against it because this is pretty important!

ExMi said...

all i can do is smile...

Restless Ink said...

thanks mommies:-)